Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Caleb's "Allowance"

Well, I guess I am going to have to start allowance for Caleb even though he is only 3 1/2 years old.

Caleb came home from DayCare tonight and helped me make banana chocolate chip bread, did the dishes, brought all of his dirty laundry up from his room, and then started helping me fold the laundry. As we were finishing up I said "WOW, Caleb! You have been such a big helper! I think you deserve a treat." To this he replied, "No, just money."

Hmmmm .. I think I am in trouble with this one!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Little Havoc Team - Spring 2010

Team picture of "Little Havoc" - Parker's Indoor Football Team for Spring 2010.
Parker is #90 (of course).

Happy Birthday, Chris

Happy Birthday to my wonderful Hubby, Chris!
Thank you for all you do for our family and for being such a great Dad to our sweet boys.
We all love you!

True Parker

Parker threatened me that I am NOT allowed to get mushy about him in public or about football anymore. However, I already warned him I was making this post sooo ... sorry, Parker. :)

I just HAD to take this picture and share it. It is so totally my Parker. No matter how tough and grown up he looks in his football uniform, this shows my TRUE Parker. He is such a good sport, always thoughtful of others, kind, big-hearted, etc, etc, etc. Those of you that know him well know what I mean. This picture totally shows Parker and his sense of caring for others. I notice all the time at his games and at practice .. he is always helping others up, giving them hugs or high fives, telling people that they either did good or gave it a good try.

This is my boy. I love him. He is AWESOME! (Is that an acceptable word, Parker????)